This was a great float from a plumbing company. The guys were sitting on toilets with their pants down around their ankles throwing candy over the top. The woman standing next to me was a complete stranger, but I dared her to go see what the boys were wearing under the stall door. So, there she is checking out the boys. I've never seen a woman with a cane run so fast. Larry Craig would have been proud of her technique. She was a gem.
Here's the cutest candy tosser in the parade. Funny thing though- she was not letting go of that candy.
All in all a great parade and a fun day. The soap box derby followed the parade. We got to see 10 year old Megan in her lavender car kicking the boys' butts down a big hill. Cool.
I want to be a pink lady when I grow up. Wait, I want to be one now.
Another hilarious parade post - your commentary cracks me up.
Also, what Amy said.
Since I didn't once get up to the lake this summer, it has been nice to see the highlights! Thankfully, I haven't seen any of my family being deadbeats in the parades! :-)
I am now completely hooked on your parade coverage. I think you should get to more of them!!! The Pink Ladies have a little Sister J in them, don't they??
OMG those pics are hilarious. Not sure which I like better, the Singing Cranberry or the moving toilets??? Decisions, decisions.
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