This thing gets HUGE leaves. Lots of garden catalogs carry it, but you still don't see it in many gardens. Great impact plant!
If you know me, you know I love my hosta. This is one is particularly gorgeous. Its leaves stay this great grey-blue color all summer long with the creamy margin. Beautiful!
Another favorite hosta of mine. This variety has a fast growth rate and really makes a statement when it is at peak during the summer. The outer margin stays a dark green and the inner variegation turns bright gold-green. Wow!
This is an old standard and is the largest gold hostas on the market. The leaves can get to be about 20 inches across and the clumps up to 3 feet high by six feet wide. AMAZING! Himeko, the hosta lady at the farmer's market, said to me last week that seeing Sum and Substance makes her feel strong and full of vigor. I concur.

Poppies. Poooooopppppies.
No, these aren't the opium poppies that the Wicked Witch sent Dorothy. These are just the old orange poppies that every grandma has. I especially love poppies in this condition. The flower heads are all fuzzy and nodding. If you've ever had the fortune to actually see one go in to bloom, the fuzzy outer coating of the flower head actually kind of pops off as the flower bursts into bloom. Not sure if that is how they got their name, but it is cool to see if you can.
Here is what's going on under the deck right now. The lamium are going completely mental, the irises are looking good, the clematis is making its way up the obelisk, the Endless Summer hydrangea is starting, the astilbes and huecheras are growing. This all just seems to have happened in the last two weeks. Very fun.

Hi Jack! I love these thing. I remember being fascinated by them as a kid too.