Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nosotros Vacacion a Lago Sanguijuelos: Dias Uno y Dos

We are having a fabulously relaxing time at Leech Lake this weekend. We arrived on Friday afternoon and did nothing but lay about. This is the ideal vacation for me, particularly coming off of two weeks of pure, unbridled hell at work. Aah. The Motley Crue: Andreas, Curt and Marina.

Saturday: Here are the Motley Crue acting up at the headwaters to the Mississippi River in Itasca State Park. Who knew the Mississippi was ever so small.

Later Saturday: We went to Uff Da Days in Nevis, MN where we saw a creepy clown giving out balloons to children, a flea market, a Swedish Meatball stand (the extent of the ethnic foods) and a little girl tormenting a dog with a bike horn. Oh, and I almost forgot, the world's largest Tiger Muskie- though I am fairly certain my brother-in-law caught one just a bit bigger than this a few years back. The festival was a bit of a bust, and in my opinion, could use a gay or two on the organizing committee to add a little sparkle to the event next year.

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