Oh, boy. I have been seriously remiss in updating my Whole New Me adventures. So here's the quick scoop. I set a goal of losing 15 lbs in 12 weeks. As of the last trip to the livestock scale I had lost about 11 lbs. We have our final weigh-in next Friday. I'm not so hopeful to lose the remaining 4 lbs mostly because we've just been through 6 weeks from Thanksgiving to the New Year when my world has been filled with treats and I have been filled with treat lust. I did much better than in year's past, but have really only held steady on my weight. Even though I probably won't hit my weight loss goal, I've made great strides in my overall fitness. Here's proof:
1. I sweat. No, I didn't start the program as a dainty thing who only perspired. I just didn't sweat during workouts. Apparently the body's ability to keep itself cool improves as one's fitness improves. Now I can soak a t-shirt and get my socks pretty wet. This is nothing compared to our instructor Bethany who looks as though she has been under a hose at the end of a workout. It's a little grotesque, but she's really cool, so there's some balance.
2. I don't feel the need to nap after work any more. I thought I was just getting old. Nope. I was (am) fat and was seriously un-fit (not in the way Britney Spears is unfit- poor girl, what a mess). Now I can actually take on some plans in the evening. Sweet.
3. I can run a little bit now. Though at higher rates of speed the jiggling of blubber and man boobs flopping around in all directions can frighten children and some delicate adults, I can RUN. (To real runners, it still may appear to be a jog, but to me it is a run. Let me have my moment, okay?) I used to run years ago when I was skinny, but never thought I could run at this weight. Love it.
4. Heart function improvement. It is way harder to get near my anaerobic threshold than when I started the program and wildly faster to recover. This is cool no matter how you look at it.