Saturday, September 27, 2008
The second half of the debate on foreign policy was a little bit better but not much. I did think, though, that for the first time the country really got to see a good contrast between the two candidates, particularly on the issue of diplomacy with our "enemies". It was clear that McCain will continue a practice that even the Bush administration is backing away from- that of not even sending anyone to the table for diplomatic efforts unless these countries do exactly as we say in advance. That is just a continuation of the bullying tactics that Bush and crew have tried for the last 8 years and are now backing away from, however slightly. On the issue of Iraq and Afghanistan, again McCain was stuck in the status quo. Obama got it right when he said that Afghanistan is the front line in the war on terror and that as long as Bin Laden and the Taliban are still in existence our overriding focus on Iraq is misguided. Yes, finish our business in Iraq AND in Afghanistan. This isn't an OR.
Now, on a more shallow note, did anyone else notice that McCain holds his hands like a corpse or his weird little tongue darting in and out of his mouth thing? That was just plain creepy.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh, And One More Thing While I'm Already Pissed Off
Not Surprising
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Not Just Like You
Okay, I can understand that it is normal and maybe even "mainstream America" to ask God for strength and perseverance and guidance and peace when you're running for political office, but I draw the line at asking for:
1. Campaign financing
2. Protection from witchcraft (???)
So, for all the folks who say they're voting for McCain because Sarah Palin is just like them, get a load of this. She is not just like you. This is not mainstream American religion. This is a perversion of religion into a self serving pile of crap. And, witchcraft (around 1:44)? Are you frickin' kidding me?
Monday, September 22, 2008
How Did She Know?
Let's see. Will I order from Helga again? Again, and again, and again. I heart Helga.
A Perfect Sunday
Around noon, MNMom and youngest offspring L showed up for an afternoon of fun. We started out at the Edina Grill for lunch, then headed over to the lakes for some fun. We ended up in the Lakewood Cemetery mausoleum after a failed attempt to see the memorial chapel there. The mausoleum was a little odd and we stumbled upon what appeared to be a wall of Margarets. Cool. This is the memorial chapel, by the way. The images are all done in 1/4" tiles. Astounding.

While driving around we also saw this fabulous bumper sticker. I'm mean, really, who else could Cheney choose as his running mate if he were to run? Really. A little later, MNMom, offspring L and I hopped into a canoe and paddled from Lake Calhoun to Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake and back. It was marvelously relaxing and despite what MNMom says, my squealing like a girl was just barely audible. Just barely. Here I must say what a delightful little thing young L has grown into. For being only 9 years old, she was the perfect companion for the day- conversational, funny and cute as a bugs ear, and she didn't wiggle around in the canoe much- which would have caused some mighty squealing.
After canoeing we set off for some Sebastian Joe's ice cream, followed by a trip to Trader Joe's, then back home where we sent the ladies on their way. The perfect day.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Can't Say I Don't Have a Hot Ass
Anyway, the guy teaches a version of Pilates called Peak Pilates. Its faster paced and more vigorous than the Pilates we were previously doing. This isn't bad, but it goes so fast that I'm not sure I'm engaging the right muscle groups before starting the movements and fear injury. Oh, and let's not forget the increased sweating. I used to sweat in class, but now I drip sweat. My legs get so sweaty that I can barely hold on to them in our "tree" exercise. My hands just slide right down my legs. Crazy sexy, I know.
So, last night at the end of class, the instructor had us all come to the wall for a final spine & hamstring stretch. The wall though happens to be a mirror. We were instructed to keep our tailbones on the mirror while rolling our spine down slowly until our hands hung over our feet, circle our arms in both directions then roll back up. Ah. It felt great. I was all calm and relaxed as I stepped away from the mirror to go clean up my reformer. Then, horror of horrors, I turn back to look at the mirror to find a GIANT, STEAMY, SWEATY ASS PRINT on the mirror. Not just the outline of the ass but CRACK and everything. I was mortified- as I'm sure were the other dainty flowers who take the class with me. I debated, do I see how quickly it will evaporate or do I rush to get a towel to wipe it off, which might smear the mirror? What to do? What to do? I chose option two and dove on a stack of towels and rushed to the mirror to wipe of the hideous imprint of my ass. Will the indignities ever cease?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Splain to Me Something
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
I'll Do My Part
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Resistant to Evolution

Here is my interpretation of the herpes virus. Notice my never ending preoccupation with evil clowns?

Trip Home

So, here it is in its new home. I took off the old vinyl seat covering and replaced it with a pretty fabric. It has become a little retreat for me when I want to remember my folks, or need to just find a different mental place. It is a well loved chair and my hope one day is to pass it on to one of my nieces or nephews when I am gone to carry on the memory of my mom and dad.

Mom's Rocker
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We're Having A Heat Wave...
- Bleeding every month for 30-40 years
- Going through menopause which might cause me to disrobe in public (everyone is happy for me in this regard)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Curt and I promised ourselves that we would take lots of pictures. Of course, like last year, I think we took about six. Not so many. Here are a few:
Friday, September 5, 2008
You Must Go Watch This
Oooh, girls, don't you be getting all nasty with my Isis!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
O Mighty Isis!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
And We're Back
Tomorrow it's back to work for a short week. Saturday is Fall Fiesta and we're expecting about 50 people, so I'm taking half a day Thursday and all day Friday to prepare. It's a lot of work to prepare, but the evening of friends and good food completely blots out any recall of sweat equity.
Off to bed I go. Hasta manana.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Imagine the Conversations...
"I know premarital sex is bad, but couldn't we use her to show someone making the right choice? You know, getting married and having the baby."
"Yeah. Like the movie Juno, except different."
"Yeah. I think this is a positive thing in the long run."
"Yeah. Won't make us look so rigid."
"Now what do we do about that signed abstinence pledge her pastor is about to produce for the media?"
"I don't know. Those don't seem to be working so well, but we can't let anyone know."
"How much do you think the pastor needs to stay quiet?"
"Well, everyone has their price. But I bet we can get the pregnant youngster to sign an afidavit saying her signature was forged."
"Yeah. That'll keep that pastor quiet."
"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. What about that 4 month old with Down's Syndrome? We've got to milk that somehow."
Leech Lake Vacation: Day 3